Hello, I am a 27 year old male that is a recovered heroin addict. I am writing this to help raise the awareness of where heroin can take somebody, and that there is definitely hope in the continuous battle of heroin addiction.
I'm youre nowadays average suburban male. I grew up in a decent family, with divorced parents, played sports, average grades, and drank a little beer. I began drinking in high school, which turned into some occasional marijuana and I never felt there was a problem, I mean all my friends did it too. Then I went away to college and indulged in a little LSD and cocaine, and I justified this by telling myself, "I'm only experimenting". Now whenever one puts themselves in an environment where there is alcohol or marijuana, there is usually a high probability that some "hard drugs" will be close by, which is exactly what happened in my situation, about 8 years ago.
I was at a friend's house smoking some marijuana and a guy showed up with some heroin. So, having the mentality that I was only experimenting, I thought I would give it a whirl. I snorted heroin that night for the first time and totally fell in love with it. Over the next year when I would go home to New Jersey on the weekends, I would usually get a bag or two of some "Philly dope" and be on cloud 9 for those 48 hours. After about a year of snorting heroin I wasn't getting high off it anymore and all my friends were, however they were shooting up. So with my "brilliant" reasoning powers, I thought I would try this and it shouldn't have any effect on my school, family, or life as a whole. Man, I was wrong. After that first shot of heroin, I thought "WOW, where have you been my whole life?, this is where it's at". It gave me that false euphoric feeling I had never known before; it became my girlfriend, my God, my mother and my career.
For the next few years, I shot heroin every single day and was economically capable, being that I received a trust fund when I was 21. Eventually, I had to drop out of college because the heroin habit consumed 100% of my time. I ultimately had to move back into my mother's house. Right before moving back home, I spent $40,000.00 in 4 months, all on heroin. Not because I wanted to, but my habit had got so large, I thought I had to. This damn powder and needle had its grip on me so tight that I needed to stick a syringe in my arm numerous times throughout the day just to function. It was extremely sick and twisted.
Well, the money ran out so I had to find other ways to support this devilish habit. I began by driving friends around to bulk stores and supermarkets to steal, and eventually I joined in. This led to breaking into innocent people's homes to steal cash, gold and guns to bring me my next fix. All during this time I tried numerous attempts at quitting. I went to 2-3 day detoxes, 12-Step rehabs, AA and NA meetings, and had an opiate blocker (naltrexone) implanted in my pelvic area. I would usually get 30 days clean and eventually relapse.
This was a continuous cycle for 3-4 years. I had been dead on two different occasions and rushed to the ER because I over-dosed on heroin. I have spent time in jail for four felony charges of burglary and possession of heroin, and I have lived on the streets. All this and I couldn't stop, my spirit was so depleted. I thought there was no hope in the world for me, but I honestly wanted to get clean.
By this time I was completely cut off from the family and my grand-pops calls and says he would get me into rehab, either a 28 day deal or a long-term 4-6 month program. At first, I was scared, then sad and finally willing to do whatever it would take. I figured how could a 28 day program help a drug habit that had been going on for six years, so I decided for the long-term treatment center. Within four hours, I was on a plane out of the state to a place called Narconon. At this point, I was willing to go anywhere and do anything that would help this problem.
I'm youre nowadays average suburban male. I grew up in a decent family, with divorced parents, played sports, average grades, and drank a little beer. I began drinking in high school, which turned into some occasional marijuana and I never felt there was a problem, I mean all my friends did it too. Then I went away to college and indulged in a little LSD and cocaine, and I justified this by telling myself, "I'm only experimenting". Now whenever one puts themselves in an environment where there is alcohol or marijuana, there is usually a high probability that some "hard drugs" will be close by, which is exactly what happened in my situation, about 8 years ago.
I was at a friend's house smoking some marijuana and a guy showed up with some heroin. So, having the mentality that I was only experimenting, I thought I would give it a whirl. I snorted heroin that night for the first time and totally fell in love with it. Over the next year when I would go home to New Jersey on the weekends, I would usually get a bag or two of some "Philly dope" and be on cloud 9 for those 48 hours. After about a year of snorting heroin I wasn't getting high off it anymore and all my friends were, however they were shooting up. So with my "brilliant" reasoning powers, I thought I would try this and it shouldn't have any effect on my school, family, or life as a whole. Man, I was wrong. After that first shot of heroin, I thought "WOW, where have you been my whole life?, this is where it's at". It gave me that false euphoric feeling I had never known before; it became my girlfriend, my God, my mother and my career.
For the next few years, I shot heroin every single day and was economically capable, being that I received a trust fund when I was 21. Eventually, I had to drop out of college because the heroin habit consumed 100% of my time. I ultimately had to move back into my mother's house. Right before moving back home, I spent $40,000.00 in 4 months, all on heroin. Not because I wanted to, but my habit had got so large, I thought I had to. This damn powder and needle had its grip on me so tight that I needed to stick a syringe in my arm numerous times throughout the day just to function. It was extremely sick and twisted.
Well, the money ran out so I had to find other ways to support this devilish habit. I began by driving friends around to bulk stores and supermarkets to steal, and eventually I joined in. This led to breaking into innocent people's homes to steal cash, gold and guns to bring me my next fix. All during this time I tried numerous attempts at quitting. I went to 2-3 day detoxes, 12-Step rehabs, AA and NA meetings, and had an opiate blocker (naltrexone) implanted in my pelvic area. I would usually get 30 days clean and eventually relapse.
This was a continuous cycle for 3-4 years. I had been dead on two different occasions and rushed to the ER because I over-dosed on heroin. I have spent time in jail for four felony charges of burglary and possession of heroin, and I have lived on the streets. All this and I couldn't stop, my spirit was so depleted. I thought there was no hope in the world for me, but I honestly wanted to get clean.
By this time I was completely cut off from the family and my grand-pops calls and says he would get me into rehab, either a 28 day deal or a long-term 4-6 month program. At first, I was scared, then sad and finally willing to do whatever it would take. I figured how could a 28 day program help a drug habit that had been going on for six years, so I decided for the long-term treatment center. Within four hours, I was on a plane out of the state to a place called Narconon. At this point, I was willing to go anywhere and do anything that would help this problem.
[i pasted only a part of the article cause the other one is some kind of advertising. Anyway he gets out his addiction and start a new life.]
1 commento:
Hello! Could you possibly post a link to the original post/blog? I would like to read more about this person's story. Thanks!
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